1.Department of Computer Engineering
Dean of Group: Dr. Rahimpour
2.Department of Industrial Engineering
Dean of Group: Dr. Shirazi
3.Department of Information Technology
Dean of Group: Dr. Shirazi
1.Department of Computer Engineering
Dean of Group: Dr. Rahimpour
2.Department of Industrial Engineering
Dean of Group: Dr. Shirazi
3.Department of Information Technology
Dean of Group: Dr. Shirazi
Dean of the faculty: Bagher Rahimpour
Discontinuous Bachelor: 1.Professional computer software engineering Bachelor's Degree: 1.Compu ..
Manager: Bagher Rahimpour
Bachelor's Degree: Industrial Engineering and Systems Master's Degree: Industrial Engineering - P ..
Manager: Babak Shirazi
Master's degree: 1. Information technology engineering - electronic commerce 2. Technology and inf ..
Manager: Babak Shirazi
Design and development: AbarTech